The SHADE HAVENS® Indoor-Outdoor Privacy Shade was created to give privacy and to provide a sheltered feeling in the out-of-doors. Living in Grand Haven, on the shore of Lake Michigan, and surrounded by a density of time-worn and brand-new cottages, we needed an outdoor retreat in our friendly, yet very public little neighborhood.
Our solution was to design a purposefully light-weight Outdoor Privacy Shade made of high-quality aluminum with steel bases, and Snap-on fabric panels.
Tested for a three-year period in Grand Haven’s ever-changing and routinely blustery weather, the resulting Shade is weather-resistant, easily moved, gives partial screening from the sun, and may be used indoors as well as out.
We are pleased that our product is assembled by Michigan manufacturers and that the majority of its component parts are made in the USA.
One Frame. Dress It Up. It’s Yours.
This product is covered by U.S. Patent No. 10,508,452